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STRIKE THREE - Kickball (the way it has been) is out!

At the morning meeting on October 19th, kickball is pulled out of the crowd.  Three new rules are made:


 1. No scoring which means no winning team. 

2. The teachers make the teams each week.

(At the meeting Triston made a stand by telling everyone about how hard he worked on building the Comets for positive reasons but didn’t mean for it to get negative.)

3. Everybody has to kick once before you kick for the 2nd time.


WILL this destroy kickball as we know it or help it?  Tune in next issue to find out.


Braden H

What to Do When Social Studies Gets Stinky

A stinky study?!  During the social studies class, the Potatoes group, complained that there was a smell near their class. Nobody knew what the smell was and it is still a mystery. Mrs. Aragones claimed that the smell was just a rotten salad. Mrs. Axelson strongly believed that the smell came from the pipes in the bathroom. Jemma believed that the smell was garbage, maybe rotten food. One word Jemma used to describe the smell was disgusting. No one could concentrate. Don’t worry though, facilities came and got the smell to go away. Thank you, facilities!


If there is a smell or loud noise distracting you in class, here is a list of things that could help you pay attention.


  1. Headphones - Headphones can help when you really need to focus and there is lots of noise or someone is conferencing. These are the perfect solution.

  2. Personal space - If the people around you distract you, ask the teacher if you can move. If the teacher says no, then get some headphones and take a deep breath. Zoom out into your own world where you can do your work in peace.

  3. Stress relief toys - If you are getting stressed for a test,  you can get a stress relief toy. Make sure that it is small and not distracting. Some things you can get are some putty or squishies to play with. They should stay in your backpack until you need to use them.

  4. Scents - If you smell a smelly smell then take out something like putty or hand sanitizer and take a quick sniff.   


-Tonya H


  Birthdays    🎃

5th Grade Birthdays

Reese S. - October 1

Victor R.- October 10

Braden H. - October 28


6th Grade Birthdays

Kailyhn H. - October 9

Cate V. - October 14

Catherine K. - October 15

Karsten F. - October 22


Be sure to wish these people a Happy Birthday!🎂

by Alyssa C

Ways to Be Kind

During this time in our lives, we are all under new types of stress and strain as we try to maintain a "normal life" while staying safe and protecting each other from the virus. Life is harder than usual. Let's keep that in mind as we interact with each other.  Why not be a little kinder than ever before?

 There are so many ways to be kind! Here are some main ways but, you can come up with your own ideas. You never know. Maybe your name will be listed in the shoutouts! 


  • Stop what you are doing and hold the door for someone who needs help

  •  Wash desks for teachers

  • Help the teachers clean up a project

  • If someone is sitting by themselves at lunch or playing by themselves at recess, go sit or play with them or invite them to sit or play with you

  • Ask how a person's weekend went

  • Ask how a person's sports events went

  • Ask how a recital went

  • Give a shoutout for being kind!

  • Celebrate with someone if they accomplished something

  • Don’t dwell on if a person did something wong & you got right, just ask them if they want to know what was wrong 

  • Make sure to include all in on your conversations

  • Make sure you are walking with a person not leaving them behind

  • If you need to work on something & they are talking, just tell them kindly that you can't talk

  • Be more aware of what others are thinking and feeling


If you have ideas of ways you can be kind and you would like me to put them in the section of a future issue just tell me!


  • Gabby L.

What's going on in your CLASS?

In 6th Grade STEM Reading, we have been...


building bridges...

and marble runs...


...and parachutes.


Learning from mistakes...


...can be fun!

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